Friday, July 17, 2009

River Mumma - Pond Mother

"Pond Mother"
12" x 16" oil on canvas. In Jamaica she is known as River Mumma, River Maiden and River Mistress usually appearing at mid-day. Legend has it that the fish in her fresh waters are her children and should not be caught as suffering will be a consequence for such an action and to catch her will cause the river to dry up. She dwells at the fountainhead of large canals and waterways acting as protector of the water and the animals that live in it. She is both sacred and feared in Jamaican folklore. "The River Mumma Wants Out" by Lorna Goodison implies that no one wants the responsibility of taking care of the things that matter most such as the environment. And when a country's mythological figure wants out, that cannot be read as a good omen.
"Pond Mother" is asking you to take care of her waterways and the environment as your eyes both meet at the bottom of her pond.

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