Thursday, July 16, 2009

Goddesses; Sister's of the Sea

"Sea Sister"
12" x 16" Oil on canvas.
Most cultures have a mermaid story click here to read mermaid stories from around the world from the following countries: The Antilles, Ireland, Iceland, Yoruba, Chile, France, Native American, Native American - Ottawa, African American and my favorite from Trinidad by author Joseph L. Titled "The Mermaid's Twin Sister" here is an excerpt:

"Tilly?" I called softly. "Is that you, Tilly? I was whispering because my voice was hoarse from shouting. But she didn’t answer. She swam in front of me, pulling my long hair gently so I drifted behind her. She was heading toward the shore. And she swam quick like a fish, slicing through de water even smoother than she ever had before.

And when we got to the shallows, she let go my hair and whispered in a voice that sounded like a cloud floating on the sea. "They don’t know it’s two of us. So go now and be my earth self, and I’ll be your water self." Before I could answer, she turned fast and swam away. And all I could see was a long, beautiful fish slicing de waves."

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