Saturday, June 18, 2011

Somewhere Other than Here: Caribbean Fashion Week

The attitude of Pele, the Hawaiian volcano goddess for her fiery temper and Huna for the beautiful treasures from her sea and Island Goddesses everywhere inspired my black coral and smokey quartz necklaces shown on the runway for Caribbean Fashion Week (CFW).  The long spiny black corals remind me of black sea urchins, a delicacy in Japan and a nuisance on the North Coast of Jamaica, I stepped on one many a time when I was little and yes I did try my own pee/ urine to dissolve the spikes.  I cannot recall if it worked or not.  In the states my coral creations were my personal Island Goddess armour, representing intrigue, mystery and danger.  I just love using mysterious black pearls and beautiful corals unfortunately these materials are all imported.  The more time I am here in Jamaica the more stories I hear of interesting materials  I could source, -so I am excited as to what I will find.  The clothing shown is by Trinidadian Designer ZADD and EASTMAN.  I dubbed this Trinimaica when a Trinidadian and Jamaican collaborate in some kinda fashion. 


Huna: Is the goddess of corals and spiny creatures of the sea.  She appears as a woman and a coral reef.  From her shells Maui made his famous hook for drawing the Hawaiian Islands together.
Pele: Is the goddess of the volcano. Pele has a staff -- a staff used to find out if ground is dry. Many books on the subject say that Pele is a myth, but many families of Hawaii today believe that Pele was an actual person from Kahiki (somewhere other than here).

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