Friday, May 24, 2013

Lunar Eclipse ~ May 25th, 2013

Here is a perspective you might find interesting of energies flowing through for us at this time, written by Astrologer Molly Hall:

May 25th Lunar Eclipse, Full Moon.

Shockwaves & Aspirations
The May 25th lunar eclipse ends a month of release and coming down to Earth. The Scorpio and Taurus eclipses were a call to invest more in what nourishes, than what steals our vital energies. For some, it's been full of sobering experiences or having bubbles burst.

That phenomenon of coming out of denial, "waking up" to hidden truths, or meeting the shadow lightens the load. That's the reward of taking the risk -- it's the enlightening process! We die to old realities, and enter new ones. The past can eventually feel like a lifetime ago. "I can't believe I use to think that way," we say.

The release of old traumas and limiting beliefs frees up energy to get fired up about the future, to feel optimistic and aim for something higher. A Sagittarius Full Moon is divine timing, to elevate our thinking!

The release brings more of your soul into the now. This gives you the agility to act on what's happening, and trust your instincts. A lot of change can happen in a short time!

Between the high solar activity (there's a geomagnetic storm in-progress), and the waxing Uranus-Pluto square, the tension is great showing both inwardly and outwardly. These strong currents are surely stimulating -- they get us moving! There's a sense of urgency in the air. And yet, we can also feel agitated or scrambled by the big squeeze. It's not always clear how best to direct it. My normally super high-energy husband said he feels tired, but extremely restless to be doingsomething.

Big Picture Views
At this Sagittarius Full Moon, there can be flash sightings of a new big picture. Sagittarius is mutablefire, the sign of broad knowledge -- the kind that connects the dots. This is very, very empowering, and allows you to consider new and surprising possibilities.

Since there's an awakening happening, the timing is sweet. An event or breakthrough in perception snaps you awake to a new way to see. After the first two eclipses, A Sagittarius eclipse brings together the lively curiosity of Gemini (Sun) and the sharp instincts of Sagittarius (Moon).

It's time for the enlightened Fool to set forth on a new adventure! Be watchful for prophetic dreams, and note the serendipity in waking life. Sagittarius is ruled by lucky Jupiter, the planet that keeps us close to the path that feels right and true. The lucky star!
Please Share This Rare Opportunity!

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