Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Warrior in Me

Warrior Women Photo Series
I've been reading "Women Who Run With the Wolves" according to the book aggression is bred out of girls by the age of 5.  Females are taught to be polite and nice in the face of the grotesque.  Without going into any details here I can relate.  When I look back  I feel empowered now to speak my mind, to roar like a wild woman and not care what anyone thinks.   Thought I'd share the poem below written by Michelle Riu Romero.

It highlights warrior queens, histories hidden heroines and modern day warrior women for you to become aware of so you can start to do your own research and discover more.

A New Mythology

I have the stoic spirit of Rosa Parks
I have the warrior heart of Joan of Arc.
I am as brilliant as I am dark
And you ain't even seen me start

I come from a long line of African Queens
My truth is the truth of Ma’at.
I come to claim my Kemet Kingdom
Now give me back what you got.

You see I traced my history,
I finally understood
Now give me back my priestess power
take your virgin-motherhood.

I am as beautiful as the Queen of Sheba
as raging as Kali
As sensual as the poet Sappho
as silent as the Furies…

I am as fiery as Brigit,
I’m the one who said no
I’m Lillith, I’m Nefertiti
and so many more you don’t know.

I am Judith, I am Esther, I am Deborah, I am Ruth
I am Nepthys, I am Hathor, I am Isis, I am Nut

I am the primordial Goddess, the first and the last
Some call me Gaia, some call me Tiamat

I am as independent as Artemis,
as whole and as fierce
And though you break through my hymen
my ‘virginity’ You can NEVER pierce.

I have the stamina of Eleanor, the guts of the Virgin Queen
I have the boldness of Hathsheput, and the strategy of Athene

I have the vision of Cady Stanton, the resoluteness of Susan B
I have the integrity of Dido, the depth of Proserpine

I am as wise as Sophia, as fruitful as Demetre,
I am as well-learned as hypatia, and man, would I have liked to meet her!

I am Inanna, I am Ishtar, I am Theodora, and Cybele,
Though I stand before you calling myself Michelle

i am evreywoman no matter how my name is spelled...

i am evreywoman no matter how my name is spelled.

in honor of women's history month, by m. riu

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